FRONTERRA Nature-Based Solutions: Carbon and Biodiversity Credits, High Social Impact
FRONTERRA Nature-Based Solutions: Carbon and Biodiversity Credits, High Social Impact
Together with our partners, we are working tirelessly to foster cooperation with governments, policy makers, parliament members, companies, organised communities, universities, and civil society organisations to foster cooperation in carbon markets policy making.
We firmly believe that clear rules and legal security have the power to unlock the billions of dollars of investment so needed to accelerate the preservation and restoration of our natural ecosystems so we could reach our global climate, biodiversity, and rural development objectives.
As such, we are a proud founding member of the Peruvian Carbon Market Association (Asociación Peruana de Carbono - APC), and we are working on similar initiatives in other regions.
Our mission is to support the development of the carbon market in Peru, particularly the forest carbon. We do that by generating highly specialized technical knowledge to support policy makers to develop a favorable regulatory framework so that, with the support of national and international public and private cooperation, create a local supply and demand market for emissions reductions and removals, connected to other regional and global carbon markets (Singapore, Japan, China, Europe, U.S states, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, etc).
By doing so, APC looks to attract investment to carbon abatement projects in Peru, with particular attention to the Nature-Based Solutions sector, allowing the export of emissions reductions and removals certificates generated in Peru to the global carbon markets, generating the billions of dollars in investment needed for the long-term effective conservation and restoration of Peru's forests and natural ecosystems and the sustainable development of Peruvians, particularly those living in poverty in rural places.
We are part of the Wong Corporation, ranked by the Zoological
Society of London as the 4th forestry company with the best sustainable and transparency practices in the World.
We sustainably manage more than 270 thousand hectares of forest concessions in Tahumananu, Madre de Dios, with FSC Certification since 2007, where we also develop RED
We are part of the Wong Corporation, ranked by the Zoological
Society of London as the 4th forestry company with the best sustainable and transparency practices in the World.
We sustainably manage more than 270 thousand hectares of forest concessions in Tahumananu, Madre de Dios, with FSC Certification since 2007, where we also develop REDD+ activities.
Click on our Logo to learn more about us.
We are a leading NBS project development start-up in Latin America, working at the frontiers of deforestation and land degradation.
Our mission is to protect national parks and restore highly biodiverse places in their buffer zones through reforestation and agroforestry businesses, supporting native and local communities.
Click on our Logo to learn more about us.
We are a leading forest management company working in the Peruvian Amazon to value our natural forests through sustainable business models.
Our activities include FSC-certified forest management, non-timber forests products and environmental services projects such as REDD+, puting our expertise at the service of the Peruvian people and nature.
Click on our Logo to learn more about us.
We are a forestry company with one of the greatest experience and scale in the Peruvian Amazon, and certainly the pioneer in forest carbon.
Our mission is to protect and restore the value of Amazonian ecosystems in order to mitigate the effects of climate change, conserve its unique biodiversity and contribute to the sustainable development of Peru.
Click on our Logo to learn more about us.
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